Your High-quality and Cost-effective Sanger Sequencing Reagent Provider
Sanger sequencing, the DNA sequencing method based on the selective incorporation of chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides by DNA polymerase, has been the most widely used sequencing method for approximately 40 years. Despite the rapid development of other sequencing technologies, Sanger sequencing is still the gold standard DNA sequencing method. We have built a complete high quality Sanger sequencing product line to serve the increasing need of the global genomics community. Some of these products, such as SupreDye™ Cycle Sequencing Kit, have been adopted by the sequencing labs worldwide.
Featured Products
ADS™ SupreDye™ Cycle Sequencing Kit
High-performance alternative for BigDye™ Terminator v. 3.1 or 1.1 Cycling Sequencing Kit
ADS™ BD-XT Purification Kit
Fast, simple, and effective purification for DNA sequencing reactions
TruPure™ Formamide
For high-performance sequencing sample resuspension
PwrPOP™ Polymers
For better signal intensity and stability
SupreDye v3.1 is a great, cost effective substitute to the original BDT v3.1. It gives equivalent (or better) results at a fraction of the cost, which helps keep our prices low for our academic customers.
I was very happily surprised by the results of SupreDye (v3.1): I tested it in a variety of ways and found that it not only yields comparable results to that of ABI’s BigDye (BDT3.1), but it even outperformed BDT3.1 when it came to reading through secondary structures (there is no drop-off in peak height or quality with SupreDye)! I highly recommend the use of this product (which was used in conjunction with the 5x buffer), and am looking forward to trying other ADS products to provide improved results for my clients while also lowering costs for my company (a win-win)!
SupreDye Version 1.1 performed exactly as expected, and produced high quality data. It was an easy drop-in replacement for the more expensive name-brand dye our core lab has been using. I’m looking forward to trying SupreDye Version 3.1 next!
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