ADS™ Reagents for 3500 Series

Refill running buffer and PwrPOP™ polymers for AB 3500 genetic analyzers are designed to meet the needs of AB 3500 users for high-quality yet cost-effective consumables. The usage of the refilled buffer and polymers is tracked with radio frequency identification (RFID) electronic tags. Refer to the user manuals for details on which products to use based on the version of your software.

The refill running buffer for AB 3500 Genetic Analyzers is intended to refill 1X fresh running buffer into used anode and cathode buffer containers. The three types of PwrPOP™ polymers (PwrPOP™-4, PwrPOP™-6, and PwrPOP™-7) are individually packed in disposable pouches for use with AB 3500 genetic analyzers (3500/3500XL). A conditioning reagent pouch is also available for users who need to switch between different types of polymers.

Kit Components:

The Refill Running Buffer for AB 3500 Genetic Analyzers includes two bottles of 1X running buffer for the cathode buffer container and one bottle of 1X running buffer for the anode buffer container, facilitating an easy refill. Note that the anode and cathode buffer containers for the instruments are not provided. The buffer is available either with or without RFID tags. Check your software version and user manual to determine whether you need to purchase the running buffer or polymers with RFID tags or without.

The PwrPOP™ polymer pouch is available with or without an RFID tag and supports monitoring usage for 384 or 960 reactions.


“The polymer works perfectly. We do not see any difference between this and the ABI products.” — Director of a core lab and Professor at an American university

“We compared AdvancedSeq PwrPOP™-7 with ABI POP™-7 and observed no difference in sequencing quality. We are very pleased with the lower cost of the AdvancedSeq product and will continue using it.” — Director of a non-profit organization in the US

Running buffer and polymers for other genetic analyzers?

Need running buffer and polymers for 310/3100, 3130, or 3730 series analyzers? We offer various volume sizes of running buffer and polymers to suit your needs.

Polymer and running buffer comparison between ABI and ADS shows similar and interchangeable sequencing performance.

Comparison between ADS and ABI

The polymer and running buffer products for use on AB 3500 genetic analyzers are compared for sequencing performance.


PwrPOP™-7 for AB 3500 Genetic Analyzers

PwrPOP™-6 for AB 3500 Genetic Analyzers

PwrPOP™-4 for AB 3500 Genetic Analyzers

ADS™ Conformational Analysis Polymer (CAP)

ADS™ Refill Running Buffer for 3500 Series

ADS™ Conditioning Reagent for 3500 Series

ADS™ Conditioning Reagent for SeqStudio Flex or 3500 Series

Please Log in to see prices and place an order.

Note: The products are for research use only, not for diagnostic procedures.