Sanger Sequencing
Sample Loading
& Capillary Electrophoresis
Sample Loading & Capillary Electrophoresis Products
TruPure™ Formamide
PwrPOP™ Polymers
ADS™ 10x Sequencing Running Buffer
Once the cycle sequencing reactions are cleaned up, the sample reactions are ready to load for capillary electrophoresis (CE), for instance, via electrokinetic injection. After the reaction passes through the capillary array, fluorescent sequencing signals are detected. Conversion of these signals to DNA sequences by base-calling are performed by the analysis software.
Resuspension of sequencing reactions in highly deionized formamide
Resuspending the sample in highly deionized formamide, such as our deionized high-purity TruPure™ formamide, before injection helps stabilize the DNA fragments and maintain consistent signals for both long and short fragments. Formamide is especially used for resuspension of sequencing samples after ethanol precipitation and commonly used in fragment analysis.
High-quality polymers for separation of shorter and longer fragments based on sizes
The sequencing fragments are separated on CE using polymers as separation matrices. High-quality polymers such as PwrPOP™ Polymers allow robust separation with appropriate peak space for long read length.
We provide PwrPOP™ P4, P6, and P7 polymers to accommodate different analyzers:
- PwrPOP™ P4 polymer: used for 310, 3100-Avant, and 3130/3130xl genetic analyzers
- PwrPOP™ P6 polymer: used for 310, 3100-Avant, and 3130/3130xl genetic analyzers
- PwrPOP™ P7 polymer: used for 3130, and 3730 series of genetic analyzers for sequencing and fragment analysis, not for 310 or 3100-Avant genetic analyzers

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