SupreDye Cycle Sequencing Kits

As a powerful alternative to BigDye® Terminator v3.1 and v1.1 Cycle Sequencing kits, the SupreDye™ Cycle Sequencing Kits provide all the necessary sequencing components, except for the template and primer, in a ready-to-use, pre-mixed format. Both single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA templates from PCR, plasmids, rolling circle amplified products, as well as G-rich templates (GT and GC), can be sequenced with high-quality results.

SupreDye™ v1.1 and v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kits are alternatives to BigDye® Terminator Cycle Sequencing v1.1 (ideal for shorter reads or sequencing near the primer) and v3.1 (designed for longer reads, such as de novo sequencing and resequencing), respectively. These products serve as “plug-and-play” substitutes for BigDye® Terminator Cycle Sequencing kits, without the need to change protocols, volumes, or settings. They are compatible with other products in the Sanger sequencing workflow, whether from AdvancedSeq or ABI.

The SupreDye™ dGTP v1.1 and v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kits are specifically designed for sequencing G-rich templates or templates with secondary structures, such as hairpins, with greater success. These kits are alternatives to dGTP BigDye® Terminator Cycle Sequencing v1.0 and v3.0, respectively. The SupreDye™ dGTP Cycle Sequencing Kits are used independently, without the need to mix with standard kits to reduce compression.

  • Proven high performance
  • Widely accepted in the community
  • Increased robustness for difficult templates
  • Even peak heights and long read lengths

Kit Components

The kits contain the SupreDye™ Cycle Sequencing Mixture and 5X Sequencing Buffer.


“SupreDye v3.1 is a great, cost-effective substitute for the original BDT v3.1. It gives equivalent (or better) results at a fraction of the cost, which helps keep our prices low for our academic customers.”—Core Lab Director

“I was very happily surprised by the results of SupreDye (v3.1): I tested it in various ways and found that it not only yields comparable results to ABI’s BigDye (BDT 3.1), but it even outperformed BDT 3.1 when reading through secondary structures. There was no drop-off in peak height or quality with SupreDye! I highly recommend this product, which was used in conjunction with the 5x buffer, and I am looking forward to trying other ADS products to improve results for my clients while lowering costs for my company (a win-win)!” —Commercial Lab Operator

“SupreDye Version 1.1 performed exactly as expected and produced high-quality data. It was an easy drop-in replacement for the more expensive name-brand dye our core lab had been using. I’m looking forward to trying SupreDye Version 3.1 next!” —Core Lab Operator

“I had a chance last week to test your SupreDye Cycle Sequencing reagents. They performed very well with our existing protocol, with no difference in results. A very satisfactory outcome.” —Technician at a university core lab

“I would like to tell you that we use SupreDye v3.1, and it works very well. I would like to order the reagent for 1000 reactions.” —Lab Director at an international pharma company

“The dGTP kit has been doing the trick. I keep it in my back pocket and use it only when necessary. A huge plus is that there’s no need to spike it into the mix, just plug and play.” —Sequencing Technologist at a U.S. university

Do you need other Sanger sequencing products?

We offer a full portfolio of Sanger sequencing products for you to choose from.

SupreDye Cycle Sequencing Kit (top) shows much better signal intensity and uniformity compared to Vendor T (bottom).

Compared to Vendor T product (bottom), SupreDye (top) chemistry shows much better performance for sequencing a difficult template with secondary structures by generating strong and long read signal.

SuperDye dGTP BD3 Cycle Sequencing Kit (top) provides much better performance on a GC-rich template than the regular BD3 Cycle Sequencing Kit (bottom).

SupreDye™ v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit

SupreDye™ v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit

SupreDye™ dGTP v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit

SupreDye™ dGTP v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit

ADS™ 5x Sequencing Reaction Buffer

ADS™ SupreDye™ Enhancer

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Note: The products are for research use only, not for diagnostic procedures.